Fox Repellent
2018 Update to Pest Wildlife Management

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Wildlife Removal Company

How To Keep Foxes Away

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Below is my advice for preventing fox issues. There is no powerful spray or powder or some other repellent product, but you may keep foxes away.

You have probably looked at a fox and thought to yourself "how cute." Foxes are cute but they are also sneaky, conniving and catchy small animals. Not only will they dine on your farm animals but they can also cause great damage to your house. They can burrow beneath the base of your premises and cause damage to the structure. As opposed to letting them force you out of your house, you've probably tried numerous unique repellents to keep them off.

Eliminate Food Sources: Foxes are just another one of these animals that will eat just about anything they can get a hold of. By eliminating possible food resources from your lawn, you could have the ability to repel them, forcing them to search for their foods somewhere else. If you use external trash cans, then consider using metal cans with a lid that screws on. In this way, if the fox knocks it over, they still will not have the ability to get to what's inside. Never leave pet food outside. Not only can this welcome foxes, it will also encourage mice and rodents to cover your law, which can be adding another food source for the fox. Clear your yard of any fallen fruit and seeds and in case you've got a chicken coop, be certain it is securely latched tight. Think about investing in a cable roof; since foxes can climb, just locking up your chicken coop isn't enough.

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By bordering your beautiful garden with yellow onion crops, hot pepper, garlic and creating a hot spray, some folks think that this will repel foxes against feeding on the foods in their backyard. To produce the spray, you would have to cut up a pepper, onion and a head of garlic. Boil all the veggies together in 2 quarts of water. Supposedly, you can spray this mixture every 2 weeks on any plants in your yard, trash cans and other areas you do not want the fox bothering. While this option isn't very costly, it will not repel the fox from coming into your yard and you must continually keep it for it to work. It only prevents them from eating veggies and plants you do not want them to consume. In any case, if it rains you will need to reapply the mix again.

Scent repellents may also be used to repel foxes since they're generally created with the components citronella or ammonium that let off a strong odor. This odor gives the fox the belief that another creature is fighting for the same land. These repellants can be purchased as a spray or powder which you would put down around the perimeter of your lawn and garden. They may be effective in repelling foxes but a few of these repellants frequently have chemicals in them that would cause some serious health problems in case your kids or pets got a hold of it. Besides, you need to continue to re-apply the repellant that may enable you to run through your savings fairly quickly.

Fences: Electric fences are just another option that individuals might consider to discourage foxes. For this to work, you have to dig a trench around your yard or the region that you're fencing in. The trench should be about 1 foot wide and two feet deep. Position a mesh fence of wire inside the trench letting some of it stretch out from the bottom. The openings in the fence shouldn't exceed 3 inches and as soon as you've positioned it as necessary, you can bury the trench. If the fox even touches the weapon, he will soon discover that his intentions need to be re-evaluated. The one issue with this is that in the event you do not really know what you are doing, you can waste valuable time and money on installation. And let's not forget that the foxes might not be the only ones getting an uncomfortable jolt; you pet, kids or other animals and people may get injured as well.

Normal wire fences are also an option but they need to be buried at least 10 inches beneath the ground and 6 feet high. However, who is to say that the fox won't attempt to climb that high?

Foxes can be quite difficult animals to deter since they are not as afraid of us as smaller animals. Repellants may keep them out for a while but they generally return.