How to Remove Snakes:
2016 Update to Pest Wildlife Management

Your local Animal Control &
Wildlife Removal Company

Venomous snakes of Florida

Hi my name is Brendan Mangnitz, I have been in the Nuisance Wildlife Removal industry now for nearly 6 years since I graduated from College at UF with a background in Entomology and Wildlife Biology. I have seen and controlled just about any wildlife issue you may think of. I have dealt with snakes in apartment complexes, snake removal from your everyday household, snakes in the attic, snakes tearing up yards, snakes in pools, snakes stuck in chimneys, and the list goes on and on. I have used several different control and removal methods for snakes and that’s what I want to share with you guys on our website here at

handling baby Snakes

There are 6 different species of snakes that occur naturally in the state of Florida. It is important to be able to identify these species. If you see a venomous snake in your yard or in your house, it is important to leave it alone and call an expert. It is very dangerous to attempt to remove or kill a venomous snake. Most snake bites occur when a person is trying to kill the snake.

The Copperhead is a small orange snake that only occurs in small pockets along the panhandle of Florida. If you do not live in the extreme North of Western Florida, then you will not see this snake. They can be locally abundant and like to hide underneath rotting pine longs. They prefer damp areas. They can occasionally den under a house for extended periods of time- coming out for food and warmth every few days.

handling baby Snakes

The Water Moccasin, also known as a Cottonmouth is the most common species of venomous snake and it is also the most difficult to identify. The water moccasin is a large-bodied snake that is nearly solid black. They can grow to be 5 feet long and as big around as an arm. Baby water moccasins are commonly seen in the springtime and have a slight pattern to them. The baby water moccasins will be lighter brown on the underside with broad tiger-like stripes coming up from the underbelly. Adults will be a solid dark brownish-green to black with very little pattern on them at all. They will have a large head with a distinct neck. Water snakes are a similarly patterned snake that will have a much smaller head that is roughly the same size around as the neck. The water moccasins can be found in ponds and small slow moving creeks. They prefer very dark water with lots of marginal plants or overhanging trees to give them plenty of places to hide.

Coral snakes are brightly colored snakes that have an alternating pattern of black- yellow-red-yellow-black. They tend to stick close to the ground or even bury themselves in leaves or loose soil. They are often found in gardens or near construction sites where the soil is being dug up. This disturbs the snakes and gets them to move.

There are three species of rattlesnakes in Florida. Pygmy rattlesnakes are small and light grey or silver colored with a black pattern along the length of the body and a little bit of orange along the head. They will be less than two feet long with a small rattle that will be difficult to hear. Eastern Diamondback rattlesnakes are a very large species of rattlesnake with a brown base color and a yellow pattern forming diamond shapes along the length of the body. The last species of rattlesnake is only found in the northern half of the state of Florida. The Canebrake (also called a Timber) rattlesnake is variable and can be dark brown to light grey with an orange stripe starting at the head and a dark chevron pattern continuing down the length of the body.

If a snake has a rattle, it will be venomous.

And that is my How to Guide when it comes to snakes in the attic or your property and how to remove them. Like I have mentioned, my name is Brendan Mangnitz, I have being doing pest wildlife and snake removal now for over 6 years. I have worked and trained hundreds of people over the past several years. It takes time, skill, and patience but removing snakes can be very fun, dangerous, but is also something that we deal with on a daily basis here. Snakes have learned how to thrive and do great in the urban setting. This is not something that is going away. With more and more houses coming up every day, more land being constructed and developed we will always have issues with snakes in the residence. Just read and learn how to protect yourself you family and your home and you should be good to go. If you have any questions you can email directly at or call my cell 1-321-236-9031 any time of the day or night 24/7 THANKS!