Noises In The Attic At Night
2018 Update to Pest Wildlife Management

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You're Hearing Noises At Night Coming From Your Attic, It's Probably An Animal

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Sounds coming from the attic might be from a variety of causes like pipes settling, but the most common cause is the existence of an animal (or animals) in the attic. But attics are the favourite place for wild animals. It is usually not to difficult to tell whether the noise is coming from a living thing, instead of mere house noises. It is quite common to have animals break in the attic of a home. Luckily, you can surely solve the issue, so fear not!

Noises is usually the first clue people notice when they have a critter issue. Sure, the animals might lead to odor issues, they may cause damage that you notice (like a chewed and faulty duct or cable ), or you may even find the animal crawling up your property, on your roof, and into the attic, but a lot of the time, it is the noises that people notice first - that is when they know they have an animal invasion. It's most definitely best to deal with the problem right away. If left unattended, most creatures in attics cause damage, sometimes significant, and may pose some serious potential health risks. And once they find a wonderful attic to live in, they remain there a long time - they do not just move out for no reason. They have to be properly evicted.

I will examine the various types of noises you may hear over your head, so You can get a clue as to which type of creature is living inside your attic space.

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It's active during the daytime, especially early morning and early evening before sunset, so in case you hear noises at these times, especially quickly, scurrying noises running around, then it is almost surely squirrels. However, raccoons also make noise around this time but they're heavier and slower. Some creatures are silent. Bats make an extremely high-pitched chirp, but it is unlikely you would ever hear it. However, raccoons, particularly baby raccoons, make a whole lot of vocal racket. So in case you hear that, it is raccoons.

Fast Pitter-Patter at Night: Most probably rats or mice. You would be surprised. A mouse is really small, so the noise will fit - in tone if not quantity.Thumping at Night: This is a bit more vague, but of course thumping usually comes from bigger animals, so it is probably from raccoons or opossums.

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In the end, a review of the attic will let you know what animal you have got. It is really rare to spot the creature because the majority of the time the creature (s) are excellent at hiding themselves, or they slink down a wall, under insulation, down at the soffit, or outside of the attic at the first indication that someone is coming up to scrutinize. That doesn't mean they are gone though! A good inspector should be able to tell what animal you have got by the odor, the droppings left behind, as well as the paths. I will often tell just from the smell when I open the attic - I have a keen nose. You, being inexperienced will not understand, but most good professional trappers, ought to have the ability to tell.

How can you solve the issue of the sounds in the attic at night? As soon as you've identified the creatures, you have got to eliminate them. This may be achieved via either trapping or exclusion methods, such as one-way doors that allow animals to exit, but not get back in. Only actual, physical removal of these animals will take care of the issue. This method varies a whole lot by animal, time of year, architecture, etc. I have written many wildlife trapping guides on this website, but the bottom line with animals in the attic is that you are best off, for your house's sake and for security as well as legal reasons, to employ a professional wildlife removal company.