Hi my name is Brendan Mangnitz and I am the owner of 24/7 Wildlife Control. I have been in business now on my own for nearly five years and I have been in this industry for close to 10 years working with friends, family and other companies while learning, training and understanding the wildlife removal & nuisance animal control industry. I started off by graduating from the University of South Florida with my Business Management degree. After this degree I got into the field of wildlife control because I knew there was a big issue with squirrels getting into people's residences and I realized that there are not many professional squirrel removal companies. I wanted to be one of the most professional squirrel removal companies and squirrel trapping companies out there. You want to hire squirrel removal companies and a squirrel trapper that is properly licensed, insured, bonded, has workers comp, but additionally you want to hire squirrel removal companies and squirrel trappers that show up in uniforms, have wonderful customer service, have clean trucks and respect both of you and the animals like the squirrels being trapped. We treat our animals in a humane way.
There are many different signs of squirrels in the attic. Before you try to figure out how to get rid of squirrels in the attic you must confirm that you actually do have squirrels in the attic and that you are dealing with squirrels and not another animal. You can do this by reading through my Feces Identification Guide and by checking out pictures of squirrels in the attic. When you have determined that there are squirrels in your attic or on your property, be sure to call a professional animal control team such as 24/7 Wildlife Control to provide you with a free inspection and plan to remove the animal moving forward.
Once it is confirmed that you have squirrels in your attic, the first thing that I like to look at is the squirrel poop. Squirrel poop is different than other animal poop because it is normally about three quarters of an inch to an inch in diameter and squirrel poop also has berries in it. Squirrel poop will generally only be in one area; this is called a latrine. For more information about squirrel poop please check out my squirrel poop page.
Another thing that I like to look for is damage that squirrels create when they are in your attic, on your roof or in the soffits that are pulled down. Did the squirrel try to get into your house, rip up the shingles and walk around the exterior of your home? Squirrels are a pretty good-sized mammal and their claws are very big and squirrels are actually strong, so if you see damage that looks quite extensive on your home, roof or soffits, chances are you're dealing with squirrels in the attic and not opossums or rodents. Squirrels can cause serious damage to the roof and damage to the attic. Squirrels also cause damage to the soffits. Squirrel damage is not generally covered by insurance; because of this you want to hire a professional squirrel removal company. Read some of my tips on hiring a good professional squirrel removal company and what to look out for.
Squirrels make a lot of noise when they're in the attic or around your home. You can actually look at some of my YouTube videos and read more about the sounds that squirrels make when they’re in the attic. One reason you may hear squirrels in your attic is the mother squirrel is calling for her babies. You will need to get those squirrels removed once it has been confirmed that you are actually dealing with squirrels. Your wildlife removal company will then set squirrel traps and use the right type of bait for squirrel trapping. I have a whole page dedicated to squirrel trapping if you are interested in learning tips on how to get rid of squirrels in the attic, what type of bait to use to trap and catch squirrels, as well as what to do once you’ve actually caught them. Squirrels are most active at night so chances are if you set a squirrel trap during the day you're more than likely to have it in the trap by the next morning because the squirrel is out at night looking for food and scavenging. I have years of training in squirrel removal and identifying the signs of squirrels in your chimney. I have my degree and background and Wildlife and Entomology from the University of Florida as well as I've been in the field studying squirrels for over 5 years. If you have any questions about the signs of squirrels in your attic give me a call. My name is Brendan Mangnitz with 247wildlifecontrol.com.